How to Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball

How to Stop Hitting Behind the Golf Ball: Pro Tips and Techniques

Golf is a game of precision, and striking the ball cleanly is crucial for success on the course. One common problem many golfers face is hitting behind the ball, leading to fat shots, poor contact, and lost distance. In this article, we will explore why golfers hit behind the ball and provide valuable tips and techniques to help you stop this frustrating habit.

Understanding the Problem: Why Do Golfers Hit Behind the Ball?

Hitting behind the golf ball often stems from several swing flaws and misconceptions. Here are some common reasons behind this issue:

  1. Poor Weight Transfer: One of the most common reasons for hitting behind the ball is an improper weight shift during the swing. If you don’t transfer your weight correctly from your back foot to your front foot, your clubhead may hit the ground behind the ball.  
  2. Ball Position: The placement of the golf ball in your stance can greatly affect your ability to make solid contact. If the ball is too far forward or too far back in your stance, it can lead to mis-hits.
  3. Early Release: Many golfers release the clubhead too early in the downswing, causing the club to bottom out before reaching the ball.
  4. Lack of Lag: Proper wrist lag is essential for a crisp strike. If you cast the club too early, you’ll lose this lag, making it more likely to hit behind the ball.
  5. Tension and Tightness: Tension in your arms and grip can prevent a smooth, flowing swing, leading to poor contact. Minimize tension by thinking that the grip of the club is a baby bird. 

Golf Ninja Insights

How to Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore effective ways to stop hitting behind the golf ball.

Tips to Improve Your Golf Swing and Avoid Hitting Behind the Ball

  1. Proper Weight Shift: Focus on shifting your weight from your back foot to your front foot during your downswing. Imagine your weight moving smoothly towards the target as you swing through the ball.  Think tempo, think rhythm!
  2. Ball Position: Pay attention to where the ball is in your stance. For most iron shots, position the ball just ahead of the center of your stance. Experiment with ball placement to find the position that works best for you.
  3. Maintain Wrist Lag: Work on maintaining wrist lag as long as possible during the downswing. This helps create a descending blow on the ball rather than hitting behind it.
  4. Practice Timing: Spend time on the driving range practicing the timing of your swing. Focus on the transition from your backswing to your downswing, ensuring it is smooth and gradual rather than abrupt.
  5. Relax Your Grip: A tight grip can cause tension in your arms and wrists, making it difficult to achieve a smooth, consistent swing. Maintain a firm but relaxed grip on the club.  Hold your club as tightly as you would hold a baby bird.
  6. Use Alignment Aids: Incorporate alignment aids, such as alignment sticks or golf clubs laid on the ground, to help ensure your setup and swing path are correct.
  7. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider taking lessons from a golf instructor. A qualified instructor can diagnose swing flaws and provide personalized guidance to improve your ball-striking skills.
  8. Mental Game: Don’t underestimate the importance of the mental aspect of golf. Stay relaxed and focused on your target, rather than fixating on the fear of hitting behind the ball.
  9. Divot Analysis: After your shots, examine the divot you’ve taken. A divot that starts after the ball indicates that you’re hitting the ball first, which is what you want.
  10. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, improving your golf swing requires consistent practice. Make time to work on your swing fundamentals regularly.

Common Drills to Eliminate Fat Shots

Drill 1: Impact Bag Drill

How to Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball

  • Use an impact bag or a heavy bag.
  • Take your regular stance and swing, making sure to strike the bag without hitting the ground before it.
  • This drill helps you develop a proper feel for impact and prevents hitting behind the ball.

Drill 2: Swing Plane Drill

How to Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball

  • Use a swing plane trainer or alignment sticks.
  • Focus on swinging the club along the correct path, avoiding steep angles that can lead to fat shots.

Drill 3: Ball-First Contact Drill

How to Stop Hitting Behind The Golf Ball

  • Place a tee or a small object, like a coin, just in front of the ball.
  • Focus on hitting the tee or object first, which ensures you make contact with the ball before the ground.


Hitting behind the golf ball can be a frustrating and detrimental habit that plagues golfers of all skill levels. However, with a combination of proper techniques, practice, and dedication, you can eliminate this issue from your game.

Remember that improvement takes time, and it’s essential to be patient with yourself. Regular driving range practice and a commitment to refining your swing will lead to better ball contact, increased distance, and lower scores on the golf course. So, get out there, work on your swing, and watch as those fat shots become a thing of the past.


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