best exercises for golf

Are you new to golf or a long time advocate? Whichever you are, it’s important to have your body pliable enough to withstand golf’s ‘drastic change of motions’, so as to avoid injury. Golf Ninja wants to unlock your full potential by incorporating the best exercises for golf, in an effort to keep your body loose, and tension free while playing. Get ready to dive into core and upper body workouts, dynamic stretching, lower body strengthening, precision putting exercises, cardiovascular fitness, golf-specific drills, and recovery and maintenance practices through yoga and Pilates.

Key Takeaways

  • Unlock your golf potential with core and upper body workouts, plank variations for stability, dumbbell rows to strengthen the back & dynamic stretching exercises.
  • Strengthen lower body muscles & improve flexibility with squats, lunges leg swings and arm circles.
  • Enhance precision putting by strengthening wrists/forearms. Stay energized on the course w/ cardio exercise. Practice yoga poses for flexibility & Pilates for injury prevention!

Unlocking a Powerful Golf Swing: Core and Upper Body Workouts

best exercises for golf

A powerful golf swing hinges on a robust core and upper body, harmoniously generating force and control. Engaging the pectoralis major (chest muscle) and the latissimus dorsi (strongest muscle of the back) is fundamental in unlocking this power. Core stability development, vital in power transfer from backswing to downswing and through impact, helps stabilize the body and alleviate pressure on the lower spine and pelvis.

But, how can you effectively target these crucial muscles and unleash your swing’s potential?

Best Golf Exercise for Core Stability: Plank Variations

Plank exercises offer an effective method to enhance core stability, a key component in a sturdy golf swing. Variations like the side plank, 3 point plank, and plank leg raises target the core muscles, contributing to a more stable and powerful swing. When performing plank variations, proper technique is crucial.

Begin in the starting position of a plank with your hands or forearms on the ground, directly under your shoulders. Engage your core muscles, maintain a straight line from head to heels, and breathe steadily throughout the exercise. Incorporating plank variations into your routine multiple times a week can lead to significant improvements in your golf game.

Here is a visual instruction on the proper Plank Variations for golf.

Best golf Exercises to strengthen the upper back: Dumbbell Rows

The dumbbell row serves as another pivotal exercise to achieve a potent golf swing. This exercise targets the upper back muscles, such as the rhomboids, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi, leading to improved posture, stability, and rotational power in the golf swing.

To perform dumbbell rows correctly:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend over at a 45-degree angle, keeping your back straight.
  2. Grab a dumbbell with your working hand.
  3. Pull the dumbbell up towards your hip, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

Incorporating dumbbell rows into your routine twice a week can help promote better ‘golf flexibility’, build strength in your lower back, hips, and core muscles.

To reach a better golf coil use Dynamic Stretching for Golfers

Another integral part of a golfer’s fitness regime is dynamic stretching, which requires moving your body through various motions. Increased flexibility allows for a complete body rotation, providing balance and stability, and ensuring consistent ball striking.

By incorporating exercises like leg swings and arm circles into your stretching routine, you’ll improve your golf game and enjoy better performance on the course.

Dynamic Stretch #1, Leg Swings for Hip Mobility

Leg swings provide an excellent method for enhancing hip mobility, a necessity for smooth golf swings. Improving hip mobility can lead to:

  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved hip stability
  • Enhanced hip rotation
  • Injury prevention

To perform leg swings safely and effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Hold onto a wall for stability.
  3. Slowly swing one leg forward and one backward.
  4. Gradually increase the range of motion as tolerated.
  5. Keep your torso as immobile as possible.

Incorporating leg swings and a hamstring stretch into your dynamic stretching routine can help you improve your golf swing and take your game to the next level.

Dynamic Stretch #2 Arm Circles to Loosen Shoulder Joints

Another vital factor in golf swing enhancement is loosening shoulder joints. Arm circles can help improve shoulder mobility, strengthen shoulder muscles, and enhance flexibility. To properly perform arm circles with your left arm:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Extend your arms straight out to the sides.
  3. Slowly make circles with your arms.
  4. Start with small circles and gradually increase the size as your shoulder joints loosen up.

Incorporating arm circles into your dynamic stretching routine before each round of golf will help you get the most out of your golf game.

Lower Body Strength: The Foundation of Your Swing

Your lower body lays the groundwork for your golf swing, ensuring consistent ball striking, power, and shot distance. Some key muscles to focus on for a strong lower body in golf include:

  • Glutes: Strong glutes help stabilize your hips and generate power in your swing.
  • Hamstrings: Flexible and strong hamstrings allow for a smooth and powerful hip rotation.
  • Quads: Strong quads provide stability and help maintain your posture throughout the swing.

By strengthening and conditioning these muscles, you can improve your golf swing and overall performance on the course.

Building lower body strength through exercises like squats and lunges can help you develop a powerful, consistent swing that will impress on the golf course.

Best Lower Body Golf Exercises #1 Squats for Leg Strength and Stability

Squats, a superb exercise for bolstering leg strength and stability, are indispensable for a robust golf swing. Variations such as:

  • Heels-elevated goblet squat
  • Split squat
  • Goblet squat
  • Prisoner squat jump

can help build lower-body strength, stability, explosiveness, and power. Squats can also build up strength in your legs which will fight fatigue on the days when you just don’t have your best stuff.

To get the most out of your squats, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes like lifting your heels off the floor, not turning your knees out, and initiating the movement from your knee instead of your hip. By incorporating squats into your fitness routine and putting your best foot forward, you’ll be on your way to a more powerful and consistent golf swing.

Best Lower body golf exercises # 2, Lunges for Balance and Coordination

Lunges, another significant exercise, enhance balance and coordination, leading to a more consistent golf swing. Variations like:

  • Reverse lunge and lateral flexion
  • Switch lunges
  • Lateral lunges
  • Split squats

Incorporating lean forward can help improve mobility, stability, and strength in your lower body, particularly in your left foot, left knee, left leg, right knee, and right foot.

To perform lunges correctly and safely, take a big step, move slowly and deliberately, focus on core stability and flexibility, and maintain proper posture by looking straight ahead and engaging your core muscles. By including lunges in your exercise routine, you’ll be well on your way to a more consistent swing and improved performance on the golf course.

Best Golf Exercises for Putting starts with wrist and forearm Strengthening

Success on the green heavily depends on precision putting, and exercises targeting the wrist and forearm can aid in developing the control necessary for precise putts. By incorporating exercises like wrist curls and forearm planks into your fitness plan, you’ll be able to strengthen the muscles responsible for steady hands and precise putting, giving you an edge over your competition.

#1 Wrist Curls for Enhanced Putting Control

Wrist curls, by strengthening your wrist extensor and flexor muscles, can greatly enhance your putting control. To perform wrist curls correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on a chair or bench with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm down.
  2. Hold a dumbbell or other weighted object in your hand.
  3. Slowly curl your wrist upward, bringing the weight towards your forearm.
  4. Lower the weight back down with control.

Incorporating wrist curls into your routine can lead to more accurate and controlled putts, giving you a competitive advantage on the green.

#2 Forearm Planks for Steady Hands

Forearm planks offer another effective way to cultivate steady hands, a prerequisite for precise putting. By strengthening your core, you’ll maintain shoulder stability and create a straight line in your putting stroke, leading to more successful and reliable putts.

To perform a forearm plank:

  1. Lie facedown on the floor with your elbows directly under your shoulders and your forearms in front of you.
  2. Engage your abs and lift your body off the ground, balancing on your forearms and toes.
  3. Hold this position for the desired amount of time, starting with 10 seconds and gradually increasing as you get stronger.

Incorporating forearm planks into your fitness routine will help you develop the steady left hand and strong left elbow needed for precision putting.

Best Cardiovascular Golf Exercises to Keep Your Energy Up

Sustaining energy levels throughout a golf round is vital for maintaining a steady performance. Cardiovascular fitness can help you boost your stamina and endurance, allowing you to play your best throughout the game. Regular cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming can make a huge difference in your stamina and performance on the golf course.

By incorporating cardio workouts into your fitness plan, you’ll have the energy to outlast your competition and finish strong.

Golf-Specific Drills: Sharpening Your Skills

Golf-specific drills play a central role in honing your skills and boosting your swing power and rotation. Exercises like medicine ball golf swings and cable rotations can help you develop the strength, stability, and mobility needed for a powerful and accurate swing.

By incorporating these drills into your fitness plan, you’ll be well on your way to sharpening your skills and achieving peak performance on the golf course.

Medicine Ball Golf Swings for Power

Best exercises for golf

Medicine ball golf swings provide an effective strategy to cultivate power and strength in your golf swing. By incorporating a medicine ball into your golf swing workout, you can enhance your balance, coordination, and downswing synchronization, all of which are essential for a powerful golf swing.

To perform a medicine ball golf swing correctly, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and drop down into a half-squat with the ball between your legs. Then, swing the medicine ball in a golf swing motion as you powerfully come up. Include medicine ball golf swings in your fitness routine to build power and performance on the golf course.

Cable Rotations for Improved Torso Rotation

Best exercises for golf

Another beneficial drill for enhancing torso rotation, a key element for a forceful and accurate golf swing, is cable rotations. By targeting your:

  • abs
  • obliques
  • shoulders
  • scapular stabilizers
  • arms

Cable rotations can help increase core strength, stability, and rotational mobility.

To perform cable rotations, follow these steps:

  1. Attach a handle to a cable machine at chest height.
  2. Stand with your side facing the machine.
  3. Hold the handle with both hands.
  4. Rotate your torso away from the machine.
  5. Pull the handle across your body while maintaining a strong core.

Incorporating cable rotations into your fitness plan can help you develop the rotational strength and power needed for an improved golf swing.

Recovery and Maintenance: Yoga and Pilates

In addition to the exercises, a comprehensive fitness plan for golfers should encompass recovery and maintenance practices such as yoga and Pilates. Engaging in these exercises can help increase flexibility, balance, stability, and spinal rotation, leading to improved performance on the golf course.

By incorporating yoga poses and Pilates exercises into your routine, you’ll be better prepared to prevent golf-related injuries and maintain your peak performance.

Yoga Poses for Golfer’s Flexibility

Best exercises for golf

Yoga poses that can aid golfers in achieving maximum flexibility and recovery, including golf stretches, are:

  • Cowface arms
  • Sphinx pose
  • Downward dog twist
  • Lunge twist with quad stretch
  • Pigeon pose

Increased flexibility allows for a complete body rotation during the golf swing, providing balance and stability, and ensuring consistent ball striking.

By incorporating these yoga poses into your fitness routine, you’ll not only improve your flexibility but also enhance your overall golf performance.

Pilates for Core Strength and Injury Prevention

Golfers can build core strength and prevent injuries with the help of Pilates exercises. Focusing on coordination of balance, core strength, and muscular endurance, Pilates exercises such as:

  • Quadruped exercises
  • Foot and leg alignment exercises
  • Core strength exercises
  • Joint and spinal flexibility exercises
  • Shoulder rotation exercises
  • Arm strength exercises

All of these can contribute to improved performance when you play golf on the golf course and at the golf club.

By incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine two to three times per week, you’ll be better equipped to handle the physical demands of the game and prevent golf-related injuries.

Lets Recap…

Best exercises for golf


In conclusion, a comprehensive fitness plan consisting of core and upper body workouts, dynamic stretching, lower body strengthening, precision putting exercises, cardiovascular fitness, golf-specific drills, and recovery and maintenance practices through yoga and Pilates can help you unlock your full potential as a golfer. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you’ll be well on your way to improving your golf game, achieving a powerful and consistent swing, and outperforming your competition on the golf course. Now, it’s time to put these strategies into action and start swinging for the stars!

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